Archive for April, 2007

just shoot me.


google that.



after a long hard sunday of mugging and attempting to comprehend abstract theories, it was nice to go for supper with a good friend whom i’ve not seen in a long while. now that her exams are over, she’s all chirpy, jolly and happy, as she embarks on her four month long vacation. i can’t wait for my turn to come, to say with a straight face that i’m happy. thank you friend for your company.

on a similar if not totally irrelevant note, i use clinique’s happy for men! haha

tofu and lentils.

i had a lovely lunch with adriel and kester at the original sin, over in chip bee gardens, this afternoon.

its been some time since i’ve had the opportunity to treat myself to a decent lunch in the good company of ‘old’ friends. my first time at original sin and its hard to imagine how vegetarian gourmet food could actually taste that good. its always nice to meet friends whom you’ve not seen in a while, and its especially refreshing to see people from another school, period. anyhow i really look forward to the end of exams where i will indulge in coffee, cake and a good book on a normal day.

but for now, its back to reality and i shall steer clear of dreaming of distant holiday plans and concentrate on dworkin and mckendrick instead.


its funny how people can get all defensive when you make the slightest remark at them. i suppose we’re all guilty of it and that’s the very reason why i like building four walls around me and being oblivious to every other happening around me. and this is in no relation to school, if you’re wondering.

on a similar note, singpost has rapidly responded to my email of complaint. call that good service or what, but i was expecting a token as well haha fat hope eh.

work-wise, this week’s been nothing more than mugging in the lonely corners of the library, but i like it. occasionally it gets irritating when people just plop up in front and share the table without asking, then they sit there eating drinking and making merry all right next to a sign that says shhhhh….

good friday.



this lent has been especially meaningful.

giving up icecream which i really enjoy, going for stations on fridays, reconciliation service and visiting on holy thursday are just some of the highlights event-wise.

but i guess what’s more important is the experience and the simple joy of giving up something, of reflecting on life and of forgiveness. these invaluable lessons were all experienced this year and i think i’ve been blessed in many ways. for me, lent in the past years has been nothing more than a change of colour, a time of more sombre masses and a time when we ‘try’ to give up something. and i’m glad to say that this year, its not just me who’s been touched, but my parents as well.

i hope i carry this attitude with me as study period looms and exams beckon. its tough but then there’s summer to look forward to.

meanwhile, let’s all appreciate this new life called easter that we celebrate!

happy easter friends.